Company Digital Footprint Assessment
An Company Digital Footprint Assessment focuses on the perimeter discovery in order to collate publicly available information pertaining to an organisation’s business practices, IT infrastructure, web applications, exposed services, customer and employee information, and more. The collation of this information allows Sentaris to determine the risk posture for an attack and is performed with the same level of access as a malicious attacker.
Sentaris will enumerate all internet-facing devices and services then scan them for known vulnerabilities. Additional manual penetration testing techniques are also used to uncover additional areas of weakness. At this stage, the weaknesses will be leveraged in an attempt to gain access to additional services and data.
This assessment is extremely useful as a measure of asset identification to help organisations understand their footprint and formulate IT security strategies relating to possible vectors for attack.
Personal Digital Footprint Assessment
The Personal Digital Footprint Assessment is designed to identify as much information as possible about an individual in order to determine if there is an increased risk to their physical or online safety.
This is achieved through a combination of manual analysis and searching, as well as utilising Sentaris created proprietary threat intelligence services that crawl the internet for information.